Entries from 2022-12-26 to 1 day

新刊『前史ミズーリ州における奴隷制、宗教、人種―奴隷制からの自由と罪からの自由』"Slavery, Religion, and Race in Antebellum Missouri: Freedom from Slavery and Freedom from Sin"

Antebellum Missouri’s location at the intersection of North, South, and West makes it a location that allows one to examine regionalism in the United States in one location since Missouri contained characteristics of each region. Missouri …

新刊『帝国の権力と人道的介入―インド洋におけるザンジバルスルターン国、イギリス、そしてフランス、1862-1905』"Imperial Powers and Humanitarian Interventions: the Zanzibar Sultanate, Britain, and France in the Indian Ocean, 1862-1905"

In the second half of the nineteenth century, the Zanzibar Sultanate became the focal point of European imperial and humanitarian policies, most notably Britain, France, and Germany. In fact, the Sultanate was one of the few places in the …

新刊『アフリカとカリブ海間における文化的移動』"Cultural Mobilities Between Africa and the Caribbean"

This book investigates the cultural connections between Africa and the Caribbean, using the lens of Mobility Studies to tease out the shared experiences between these highly diverse parts of the world. Despite their heterogeneity in terms …

新刊『博物館と大西洋の奴隷制』"Museums and Atlantic Slavery"

Museums and Atlantic Slavery explores how slavery, the Atlantic slave trade, and enslaved people are represented through words, visual images, artifacts, and audiovisual materials in museums in Europe and the Americas. Divided into four ch…

新刊『白人の負債-デメララの反乱と奴隷における英国の遺産』"White Debt: The Demerara Uprising and Britain’s Legacy of Slavery"

When Thomas Harding discovered that his family had profited from slavery, he set out to interrogate the choices of his ancestors and Britain's role in this terrible history. His investigation took him to Demerara (now Guyana), the site of …

新刊『カロライナの失われた植民地:サウスカロライナ州当初のスチュアートタウンと生きるための葛藤』"Carolina's Lost Colony: Stuarts Town and the Struggle for Survival in Early South Carolina"

Those interested in the early colonial history of South Carolina and the southeastern borderlands will find much to discover in Carolina's Lost Colony in which historian Peter N. Moore examines the dual colonization of Port Royal at the en…

新刊『エクイアーノより以前:前史北アメリカの奴隷達の物語』"Before Equiano: A Prehistory of the North American Slave Narrative"

In the antebellum United States, formerly enslaved men and women who told their stories and advocated for abolition helped establish a new genre with widely recognized tropes: the slave narrative. This book investigates how enslaved black …