Entries from 2022-07-01 to 1 month

新刊『暗黒の航海-英国のアフリカ奴隷貿易におけるアメリカ人私掠船戦争-』"Dark Voyage: An American Privateer's War on Britain's African Slave Trade"

At the start of the American War of Independence, Great Britain dominated overseas commerce and was the leading slave-trading nation in the world. In 1776, American privateers—privately owned ships granted commissions by the Continental Co…

新刊『ハムの子供たち-1873年から1907年のケニア沿岸部における解放奴隷と逃亡奴隷Children Of Ham: Freed Slaves And Fugitive Slaves On The Kenya Coast, 1873 To 1907

This book is a chronological account of the repeated bids for freedom made by slaves and ex-slaves on the Kenya coast and of the obstacles placed in their way by the British, the Busaidi Arabs, and the peoples of the coast. . [引用元:http…

新刊『奴隷の声を聴く-1700年から1848年の英領アメリカと仏領アメリカにおける、アフリカ系及びネイティブアメリカンであった奴隷たちの証言』‟Hearing Enslaved Voices: African and Indian Slave Testimony in British and French America, 1700–1848”

This book focuses on alternative types of slave narratives, especially courtroom testimony, and interrogates how such narratives were produced, the societies (both those that were majority slave societies and those in which slaves were a d…

新刊『マダガスカルのハイランド地方における奴隷と本質主義-民族学、歴史学、認識の観点から-』‟Slavery and Essentialism in Highland Madagascar: Ethnography, History, Cognition”

This book explores the prejudice against slave descendants in highland Madagascar and its persistence more than a century after the official abolition of slavery. ‘Unclean people’ is a widespread expression in the southern highlands of Mad…

新刊『1580年から1750年におけるイギリスの奴隷とバルバリア海賊』‟British Slaves and Barbary Corsairs, 1580-1750”

This is the first comprehensive study of the thousands of Britons captured and enslaved in North Africa in the early modern period, charting their lives from capture to eventual liberation, death in Barbary, or for a lucky few, escape. It …

新刊『ハバナ占領-戦争、貿易、大西洋世界の奴隷』‟The Occupation of Havana: War, Trade, and Slavery in the Atlantic World”

In 1762, British forces mobilized more than 230 ships and 26,000 soldiers, sailors, and enslaved Africans to attack Havana, one of the wealthiest and most populous ports in the Americas. They met fierce resistance. Spanish soldiers and loc…