Entries from 2023-03-01 to 1 month

新刊『裸足でシカゴへ-自由を追い求めた者とイリノイ州北西部の地下鉄道』‟Barefoot to Chicago: Freedom Seekers and the Underground Railroad in Northeastern Illinois”

Decades before the Civil War, Illinois’s status as a free state beckoned enslaved people, particularly those in Kentucky and Missouri, to cross porous river borders and travel toward new lives. While traditional histories of the Undergroun…

新刊『北部から逃げよ-奴隷制の境界地域における忘れ去られた英雄と自由のための闘い-』‟Flee North: A Forgotten Hero and the Fight for Freedom in Slavery's Borderland”

A riveting account of the extraordinary abolitionist, liberator, and writer Thomas Smallwood, who bought his own freedom, led hundreds out of slavery, and named the underground railroad, from Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist, S…

新刊『黒人たちの秘密-ハイチ革命以前の奴隷反乱-』‟A Secret Among the Blacks: Slave Resistance before the Haitian Revolution”

Unearthing the progenitors of the Haitian Revolution has been a historical project of two hundred years. In A Secret among the Blacks, John D. Garrigus introduces two dozen Black men and women and their communities whose decades of resista…

新刊『奴隷制、資本主義、そして産業革命』"Slavery, Capitalism and the Industrial Revolution"

Slavery, Capitalism and the Industrial RevolutionMaxine Berg, Pat HudsonThe role of slavery in driving Britain's economic development is often debated but seldom given a central place. In their remarkable new book, Maxine Berg and Pat Huds…

新刊『奴隷制、資本主義、女性文学-1852年から1869年のアメリカ人女性作家に関する経済的洞察-』‟Slavery, Capitalism, and Women's Literature: Economic Insights of American Women Writers, 1852-1869”

With Slavery, Capitalism, and Women’s Literature, Kristin Allukian makes an important contribution to slavery and capitalism scholarship by including the voices of some of the best-known nineteenth-century American women writers. Women’s l…

新刊『難破せし者-反乱、脱獄、密航、そして奴隷貿易、南北戦争の本当の物語-』Shipwrecked: A True Civil War Story of Mutinies, Jailbreaks, Blockade-running, and the Slave Trade

Historian Jonathan W. White tells the riveting story of Appleton Oaksmith, a swashbuckling sea captain whose life intersected with some of the most important moments, movements, and individuals of the mid-19th century, from the California …