Entries from 2022-06-01 to 1 month

新刊『奴隷の帝国ーどのように奴隷が現代英国を築いたかー』‟Slave Empire: How Slavery Built Modern Britain”

The British empire, in sentimental myth, was more free, more just and more fair than its rivals. But this claim that the British empire was ‘free’ and that, for all its flaws, it promised liberty to all its subjects was never true. The Bri…

新刊『目で見る歴史-1300年から1700年の召使いと奴隷-』‟Household Servants and Slaves: A Visual History, 1300–1700”

The first book-length study of both images of ordinary household workers and their material culture, Household Servants and Slaves: A Visual History, 1300–1700 covers four hundred years and four continents, facilitating a better understand…

新刊『目覚め:女性が主導する奴隷反乱の隠された歴史』”Wake: The Hidden History of Women-Led Slave Revolts”

Women warriors planned and led revolts on slave ships during the Middle Passage. They fought their enslavers throughout the Americas. And then they were erased from history. Wake tells the “riveting” (Angela Y. Davis) story of Dr. Rebecca …

新刊『奴隷の社会学-1655年から1838年のジャマイカにおける黒人社会-』The Sociology of Slavery: Black Society in Jamaica, 1655-1838

Orlando Patterson’s classic study of slavery in Jamaica reveals slavery for what it was: a highly repressive and destructive system of human exploitation, which disregarded and distorted almost all of the basic prerequisites of normal soci…

新刊『奴隷の崇高さ:カリブ海の文学と音楽における暴力の言語』”The Slave Sublime: The Language of Violence in Caribbean Literature and Music”

In this interdisciplinary work, Stacy J. Lettman explores real and imagined violence as depicted in Caribbean and Jamaican text and music, how that violence repeats itself in both art and in the actions of the state, and what that means fo…