Entries from 2021-01-01 to 1 year
Sommar, Mary E. The Slaves of the Churches: A History.『教会の奴隷たち:歴史』 New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. In recent years, stories of religious universities and institutions grappling with their slave-owning past have made he…
Kars, Marjoleine. Blood on the River: A Chronicle of Mutiny and Freedom on the Wild Coast.『血の川:ワイルド海岸での叛乱と自由の年代記』 New York: The New Press, 2020. On Sunday, February 27, 1763, thousands of slaves in the Dutch colony o…
Thomas, Sarah. Witnessing Slavery: Art and Travel in the Age of Abolition.『奴隷制を目撃する:奴隷廃止運動期の芸術と周遊』 London: Paul Mellon Centre for Yale University Press, 2019. A timely and original look at the role of the eyewitness…
Sharples, Jason T. The World That Fear Made: Slave Revolts and Conspiracy Scares in Early America.『恐れが創った世界:初期アメリカの奴隷叛乱と陰謀の恐怖』 Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. A thought-provoking history of…
Sandy, Laura R., and Marie S. Molloy, eds. The Civil War and Slavery Reconsidered: Negotiating the Peripheries.『南北戦争と奴隷制の再考:周縁との交渉』 New York, Routledge, 2019. Following the suggestion of the historian Peter Parish, thes…
Sandy, Laura R. The Overseers of Early American Slavery: Supervisors, Enslaved Labourers, and the Plantation Enterprise.『初期アメリカ奴隷制の看守:監督、奴隷労働者、プランテーション事業』 New York: Routledge, 2020. Enmeshed in the exploit…
Goddu, Teresa. Selling Antislavery: Abolition and Mass Media in Antebellum America.『反奴隷制を売る:南北戦争前の奴隷廃止とマスメディア』 Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2020. A richly illustrated history of the American An…
Eichmann, Flavio. Krieg und Revolution in der Karibik: Die Kleinen Antillen 1789--1815 [War and Revolution in the Caribbean: The Lesser Antilles, 1789--1815].『カリブ海における戦争と革命:小アンティール諸島、1789-1815』 Berlin: de Gruyter/…
Carico, Aaron. Black Market: The Slave's Value in National Culture after 1865.『ブラック・マーケット:1865年後の国民文化における奴隷の価値』 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020. On the eve of the Civil War, the estimated …
Zeuske, Michael. Handbuch Geschichte der Sklaverei: Eine Globalgeschichte von den Anfängen bis heute, 2 vols., 2nd ed.『奴隷制の歴史ハンドブック:その興りから今日までのグローバルヒストリー』 Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter, 2019. Die Geschichte …
Walker, Christine. Jamaica Ladies: Female Slaveholders and the Creation of Britain's Atlantic Empire.『ジャマイカの女性たち:女性奴隷所有者とイギリスの大西洋帝国の成立』 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020. Jamaica Ladies…
Ogborn, Miles. The Freedom of Speech: Talk and Slavery in the Anglo-Caribbean World.『言論の自由:アングロ-カリブ海世界での会話と奴隷制』 Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. The institution of slavery has always depended on enforci…
Hunt-Kennedy, Stefanie. Between Fitness and Death: Disability and Slavery in the Caribbean. 『健康と死の狭間:カリブ海の身体障害と奴隷制』Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield: University of Illinois Press, 2020. Long before the English became …
Harbour, Jennifer R. Organizing Freedom: Black Emancipation Activism in the Civil War Midwest.『自由を組織する:南北戦争期中西部の黒人解放運動』 Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2020. Organizing Freedom is a riveting and sig…
Bellows, Amanda Brickell. American Slavery and Russian Serfdom in the Post-Emancipation Imagination.『ポスト解放期の想像力中のアメリカ奴隷制とロシア農奴制』 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2020. The abolition of Russian se…
Nevius, Marcus P. City of Refuge: Slavery and Petit Marronage in the Great Dismal Swamp, 1763-1856.『逃避都市:グレートディズマル湿地の奴隷制と小規模マルーン』 Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2020. This book is a welcome addition to t…
Burrowes, C. Patrick. Liberia & the Quest for Freedom.『リベリアと自由への探求』 Kleh, Bomi County, Liberia: Know Yourself Press, 2019. Africa's past and present are deeply influenced by the capture and selling of millions of its people ov…
Forret, Jeff. Williams' Gang: A Notorious Slave Trader and His Cargo of Black Convicts.『ウィリアムスの一団:悪名高い奴隷商人と黒人囚人貨物』 New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020. William H. Williams operated a slave pen in Washingto…
Wills, Mary. Envoys of Abolition: British Naval Officers and the Campaign Against the Slave Trade in West Africa.『奴隷廃止の使者:イギリス海軍士官と西アフリカでの反奴隷貿易運動』 Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019. After Britain'…
Prior, David M. Between Freedom and Progress: The Lost World of Reconstruction Politics.『自由と進歩の狭間:再建期政治の失われた世界』 Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2019. Between Freedom and Progress recovers and analyzes …
Polgar, Paul J. Standard-Bearers of Equality: America's First Abolition Movement.『平等の指導者:アメリカ最初の奴隷廃止運動』 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, published for the Omohundro Institute of Early American History …
Peabody, Sue. Les enfants de Madeleine: Famille, liberté, secrets et mensonges dans les colonies françaises de l'océan indien.『マドレーヌの子供たち:インド洋のフランス領における家族、自由、そして秘密』 Trans. Pierre H. Boulle. Esclavages …
Murphy, Laura T. The New Slave Narrative: The Battle Over Representations of Contemporary Slavery.『新奴隷体験記:現代奴隷制の表象をめぐる論争』 New York: Columbia University Press, 2019. A century and a half after the abolition of slavery…
Grinberg, Keila. A Black Jurist in a Slave Society: Antonio Pereira Rebouças and the Trials of Brazilian Citizenship.『奴隷制社会の黒人判事:Antonio Pereira Rebouçasとブラジル市民権裁判』 Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 20…
Freamon, Bernard. Possessed by the Right Hand: The Problem of Slavery in Islamic Law and Muslim Cultures.『右手で所有されたもの:イスラム法とムスリム文化における奴隷制の問題』 Leiden: Brill, 2019. In Possessed by the Right Hand, the first …
Bell, Richard. Stolen: Five Free Boys Kidnapped into Slavery and Their Astonishing Odyssey Home.『盗まれたもの:奴隷売買のために誘拐された5人の自由黒人少年たちと彼らの驚くべき故郷への長い旅』 New York: Simon & Schuster, 2019. Philadelphia…
Barker, Hannah. That Most Precious Merchandise: The Mediterranean Trade in Black Sea Slaves, 1260-1500.『最も貴重な商品:地中海における黒海奴隷貿易, 1260-1500年』 Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2019. The history of the Bla…
Uncle Tom's Cabin (illustrated)『図解アンクル・トムの小屋』Harriet Elisabeth Beecher Stowe, 2021, Big Cheese Books. Selling more than 300,000 copies the first year it was published, Stowe's powerful abolitionist novel fueled the fire of th…
The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano Illustrated『図解オラウダ・イクイアーノの生涯の興味深い物語』Olaudah Equiano, 2021, Independently published. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vas…
Escape from Slavery: Freedom-Seeker Narratives as Told to William Still『奴隷制から逃れて:ウィリアム・スティルに語られた自由を求める者の体験記』William Still, edited by C. Edward Wall, 2021, Pierian Press. William Still was an African-Ame…