Entries from 2023-02-01 to 1 month

新刊『不治の悪-1598年から1687年におけるスペイン奴隷制へのマプチェ族の抵抗-』‟This Incurable Evil: Mapuche Resistance to Spanish Enslavement, 1598-1687”

Documents how initial Mapuche-Spanish alliances were built and how they were destroyed by increasingly powerful slave-trading elites operating like organized crime families The history of Spanish presence in the Americas is usually viewed …

新刊『アフリカにおける奴隷貿易-進行するホロコーストー』"The Slave Trade in Africa: An Ongoing Holocaust"

Is it true that the trans-Atlantic slave trade, about which so much has been heard in recent years, would have been impossible without the willing and enthusiastic cooperation of African leaders? Slavery was a common practice in Africa lon…

新刊『穢れた血-近代英国とスペイン間における人種の分類-』"Bad Blood: Staging Race Between Early Modern England and Spain"

Bad Blood explores representations of race in early modern English and Spanish literature, especially drama. It addresses two different forms of racial ideology: one concerned with racialized religious difference—that is, the notion of hav…

新刊『カリフォルニアは奴隷州である』"California, a Slave State"

The untold history of slavery and resistance in California, from the Spanish missions, indentured Native American ranch hands, Indian boarding schools, Black miners, kidnapped Chinese prostitutes, and convict laborers to victims of modern …

新刊『家父長制の危機-初期バージニア州におけるウィリアム・バード2世と奴隷制-』"Patriarchy in Peril: William Byrd II and Slavery in Early Virginia"

William Byrd II was a prominent eighteenth-century Virginian who at the time of his death owned over 180,000 acres and employed laborers and enslaved Africans to work his land. His letters, diaries, and surveying documents have become key …

新刊『大きな家の陰で-21世紀における南北戦争以前の奴隷小屋とルイジアナ州におけるヘリテージツーリズム-』"In the Shadows of the Big House: Twenty-1 Century Antebellum Slave Cabins and Heritage Tourism in Louisiana"

In the midst of calls for the removal of Confederate monuments across the South, tens of thousands of museums, buildings, and other historical sites currently comprise a tourist infrastructure of the southern heritage industry. Louisiana, …

新刊『奴隷貿易商人-貿易商人と大西洋を横断する奴隷貿易の変容』"Traders in Men: Merchants and the Transformation of the Transatlantic Slave Trade"

During the eighteenth century, Britain’s slave trade exploded in size. Formerly a small and geographically constricted business, the trade had, by the eve of the American Revolution, grown into an Atlantic-wide system through which fifty t…