Entries from 2023-01-01 to 1 month

新刊『公平を求めて-バージニア州設立初期の奴隷にされた女性、資本犯罪、慈悲-』"The Demands of Justice: Enslaved Women, Capital Crime, and Clemency in Early Virginia"

Award-winning historian Tamika Y. Nunley has unearthed the stories of enslaved Black women charged by their owners with poisoning, theft, murder, infanticide, and arson. While free Black and white people accused of capital crimes received …

新刊『無謀な男の決意-400人の奴隷を抱え、自由への夢を抱いたJohn Randolphという男』"A Madman's Will: John Randolph, Four Hundred Slaves, and the Mirage of Freedom"

Few legal cases in American history are as riveting as the controversy surrounding the will of Virginia Senator John Randolph (1773–1833), which—almost inexplicably—freed all 383 of his slaves in one of the largest and most publicized manu…

新刊『両親の胸の内にある悲しみとは?-奴隷にされた黒人家族の歴史-』‟What Sorrows Labour in My Parent's Breast?: A History of the Enslaved Black Family”

The legacy of the slave family haunts the status of black Americans in modern U.S. society. Stereotypes that first entered the popular imagination in the form of plantation lore have continued to distort the African American social identit…

新刊『境界線はどこに-1655年から1715年のイギリス領ジャマイカとスペイン領カリブ海-』‟Boundaries of Belonging: English Jamaica and the Spanish Caribbean, 1655-1715”

In the decades following England’s 1655 conquest of Spanish Jamaica, the western Caribbean became the site of overlapping and competing claims—to land, maritime spaces, and people. English Jamaica, located in the midst of Spanish American …

新刊『歴史の風-19世紀以降におけるアフリカ片田舎での生活-』"The Winds of History: Life in a Corner of Rural Africa Since the 19th Century"

Based on extensive archival research in six countries and intensive fieldwork, the book analyses the history of the village of Nkholongue on the eastern shore of Lake Malawi from the time of its formation in the 19th century to the present…

新刊『ローマの奴隷達の立ち位置-社会的実態と法律上の違い』‟The Position of Roman Slaves: Social Realities and Legal Differences”

Slaves were property of their dominus, objects rather than persons, without rights: These are some components of our basic knowledge about Roman slavery. But Roman slavery was more diverse than we might assume from the standard wording abo…

新刊『エイトの物語-レモン事件における奴隷の事例と自由のための闘い』"The Eight: The Lemmon Slave Case and the Fight for Freedom"

The Eight tells the story of Lemmon v. New York—or, as it's more popularly known, the Lemmon Slave Case. All but forgotten today, it was one of the most momentous civil rights cases in American history. There had been cases in which the en…

新刊『Palgraveハンドブック:歴史を通じてみるグローバルな奴隷制』‟The Palgrave Handbook of Global Slavery throughout History”

This open access handbook takes a comparative and global approach to analyse the practice of slavery throughout history. To understand slavery - why it developed, and how it functioned in various societies – is to understand an important a…

新刊『人類の記録-白塗りされたアメリカ神話から黒人の歴史における魂を取り戻す-』‟The Humanity Archive: Recovering the Soul of Black History from a Whitewashed American Myth”

This sweeping survey of Black history shows how Black humanity has been erased and how its recovery can save the humanity of us all. Using history as a foundation, The Humanity Archive uses storytelling techniques to make history come aliv…

新刊『クロティルダ号-最後の奴隷船の歴史と考古学-』‟Clotilda: The History and Archaeology of the Last Slave Ship (Maritime Currents: History and Archaeology) ”

Clotilda: The History and Archaeology of the Last Slave Ship is the first definitive work to examine the maritime historical and archaeological record of one of the most infamous ships in American history. Clotilda was owned by Alabama bus…

新刊『ブルーグラスにおける奴隷制と自由-古のケンタッキー州を再訪する-』‟Slavery and Freedom in the Bluegrass State: Revisiting My Old Kentucky Home”

Stephen Foster's "My Old Kentucky Home" has been designated as the official state song and performed at the Kentucky Derby for decades. In light of the ongoing social justice movement to end racial inequality, many have questioned whether …

新刊『滞在者、スルタン、奴隷-奴隷制度廃止と帝国の時代におけるアメリカとインド洋-』‟Sojourners, Sultans, and Slaves: America and the Indian Ocean in the Age of Abolition and Empire”

In the nineteenth century, global systems of capitalism and empire knit the North Atlantic and Indian Ocean worlds into international networks in contest over the meanings of slavery and freedom. Sojourners, Sultans, and Slaves mines multi…

新刊『アフリカタウンーアメリカ最後の奴隷船と作られたコミュニティ』"Africatown: America's Last Slave Ship and the Community It Created"

An evocative and epic story, Nick Tabor's Africatown charts the fraught history of America from those who were brought here as slaves but nevertheless established a home for themselves and their descendants, a community which often thrived…