Entries from 2022-08-05 to 1 day

新刊『奴隷とヨーロッパー大西洋地域の奴隷における経済的影響の調査』'Slavery and Europe: Exploring the Economic Impact of Atlantic Slavery'

The question of the impact of slavery has gained new importance in debates on the history of economic development, capitalism and inequality. This edited volume explores how Atlantic slaved-based economic activities and their spin-offs hav…

新刊『』The Most Absolute Abolition: Runaways, Vigilance Committees, and the Rise of Revolutionary Abolitionism, 1835-1861

Jesse Olsavsky’s The Most Absolute Abolition tells the dramatic story of how vigilance committees organized the Underground Railroad and revolutionized the abolitionist movement. These groups, based primarily in northeastern cities, defend…

新刊『マウントバーノンにおける隠された奴隷の歴史』‟Uncovering the History of Slavery at Mount Vernon”

George Washington's residence, Mount Vernon, holds a special place in U.S. history. However, its history of slavery has remained largely hidden until recently. While the Founding Father fought for liberty, he also enslaved many people, and…

新刊『キリスト教の宗派-長老派教会における奴隷と反黒人主義の歴史-』‟What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-black Racism in the Presbyterian Church”

Like most Americans, Presbyterians in the United States know woefully little about the history of slavery and the rise of anti-Black racism in our country. Most think of slavery as a tragedy that “just happened,” without considering how it…