
Slavery in Zion: A Documentary and Genealogical History of Black Lives and Black Servitude in Utah Territory, 1847-1862, Amy Tanner Thiriot, University of Utah Press, September 30, 2022

An Akan proverb says, "It is not wrong to go back for that which you have forgotten." This belief underlies historian Amy Tanner Thiriot's work in Slavery in Zion. The total number of those enslaved during Utah's past has remained an open question for many years. Due to the nature of nineteenth-century records, particularly those about enslaved peoples, an exact number will never be known, but while writing this book, Thiriot documented around one hundred enslaved or indentured Black men, women, and children in Utah Territory.(引用元


Borderland Blacks: Two Cities in the NIAGARA REGION during the Final Decades of Slavery, Dann J. Broyld, LSU Press, May 30, 2022

Borderland Blacks explores the status and struggles of transient Blacks within this dynamic zone, where the cultures and interests of the United States, Canada, Great Britain, and the African Diaspora overlapped. Blacks in the two cities shared newspapers, annual celebrations, religious organizations, and kinship and friendship ties. Too often, historians have focused on the one-way flow of fugitives on the Underground Railroad from America to Canada when in fact the situation on the ground was far more fluid, involving two-way movement and social collaborations. Black residents possessed transnational identities and strategically positioned themselves near the American-Canadian border where immigration and interaction occurred. Borderland Blacks reveals that physical separation via formalized national barriers did not sever concepts of psychological memory or restrict social ties. Broyld investigates how the times and terms of emancipation affected Blacks on each side of the border, including their use of political agency to pit the United States and British Canada against one another for the best possible outcomes.(引用元


A World Transformed: Slavery in the Americas and the Origins of Global Power, James Walvin, Robinson, March 10, 2022

A World Transformed explores how slavery thrived at the heart of the entire Western world for more than three centuries. Arguing that slavery can only be fully understood by stepping back from traditional national histories, this book collects the scattered accounts of the most recent scholarship into a comprehensive history of slavery and its shaping of the world we know. Celebrated historian James Walvin tells a global story that covers everything from the capitalist economy, labor, and the environment, to social culture and ideas of family, beauty and taste. This book underscores just how thoroughly slavery is responsible for the making of the modern world. The enforced transportation and labour of millions of Africans became a massive social and economic force, catalysing the rapid development of multiple new and enormous trading systems with profound global consequences. The labour and products of enslaved people changed the consumption habits of millions - in India and Asia, Europe and Africa, in colonised and Indigenous American societies. A World Transformed traces the global impacts of slavery over centuries, far beyond legal or historical endpoints, confirming that the world created by slave labour lives on today.(引用元


Songs of Slavery and Emancipation, Mat Callahan, Robin D. G. Kelly, Kali Akuno, University Press of Mississippi, June 15, 2022

Songs of Slavery and Emancipation features the lyrics of fifteen slave songs and fifteen abolitionist songs, placing them in proper historical context and making them available again to the general public. These songs not only express outrage at slavery but call for militant resistance and destruction of the slave system. There can be no doubt as to their purpose: the abolition of slavery, the emancipation of African American people, and a clear and undeniable demand for equality and justice for all humanity.(引用元


The Battle Against Slavery: The Untold Story of How a Group of Yorkshire Radicals Began the War to End the Slave Trade, Paul L. Dawson, Frontline Books, April 30, 2022

The Battle Against Slavery charts the story of a group of West Riding radicals in their bid to abolish slavery both in the United Kingdom and abroad. Such became the influence of this group, whose Unitarian beliefs were illegal in Britain, that the general election of 1806 in Yorkshire was fought on an abolitionist platform. At a time when the rest of the world engaged in slavery, this small body was fighting almost single-handedly to end such practices. Gradually, their beliefs began to spread across the country and across the Channel to France, the principles of which found resonance during the French Revolution and even across the Atlantic to America. The Battle Against Slavery adds an important dimension to the continuing debate over Britain's, and other nations', involvement in the slave trade and demonstrates how the determination of just a few right-minded people can change world opinion forever.(引用元


Civil Rights Stories: Slavery, Catherine Chambers, Franklin Watts Ltd, August 12, 2021

This book explains civil rights and the history of slavery in an accessible way for younger readers. Stories of slavery through history are explored chronologically. A selection of key civil rights moments and movements are broken down into short blocks of text that examine some of the history of how and why people of colour were enslaved. It looks at historical examples, such as the Vikings and the Silk Road trade routes. It explores the topic of the Atlantic slave trade and the underground railroad, along with modern examples of the slave trade today in farming, fishing and manufacturing. (引用元


Stitched Up, Steve Cole, Barrington Stoke Ltd, June 2, 2022

The horrific real-life cost of fast fashion is exposed in this gripping tale of survival from bestselling author Steve Cole. When twelve-year-old Hanh is offered a job as a shop assistant in Hanoi, she sees it as a chance to earn money to send back to her family living in poverty in rural Vietnam. But on her arrival in the city, she soon learns that the job offer was a lie and finds herself working in virtual slavery in an illegal garment factory. Life in this sweatshop is a daily hell of long hours, little rest, poor food and regular violence. Hanh is desperate to escape, but when an opportunity arises will she be able to find the courage to take a dangerous chance?(引用元