Entries from 2022-05-22 to 1 day

新刊『奴隷貿易と海賊船における歴史の発掘:財産、略奪、損害』Excavating the Histories of Slave-Trade and Pirate Ships: Property, Plunder and Loss (Contributions To Global Historical Archaeology)

This edited volume brings new perspectives on the topic maritime archaeology of the slave trade in the Caribbean. The book focuses on shipwrecks of the slave trade in the 18th century and suggests that there is a more complex and challengi…

新刊『ベッツィー・ストックトンの教育:奴隷と解放の長い旅』The Education of Betsey Stockton: An Odyssey of Slavery and Freedom

The life of Betsey Stockton (ca. 1798–1865) is a remarkable story of a Black woman’s journey from slavery to emancipation, from antebellum New Jersey to the Hawai‘ian Islands, and from her own self-education to a lifetime of teaching other…